Was HP Lovecraft Right About Everything?

Was H.P. Lovecraft Right About Everything?


Last year, the guys over at the Mysterious Universe podcast (mysteriousuniverse.org) reviewed a rather expensive, rare, and mostly unheard of book; The Dark Gods, by Anthony Roberts and Geoff Gilbertson. 

Originally published in 1985, it’s a non fiction book that (somehow) explains that every tradition of esoteric and occult knowledge, at the highest levels of their teachings, essentially points to a world view that is shocking similar; That evil, disembodied entities have been trying to control mankind and steer our development since the birth of civilization, and continue to do so today.  The idea is that these forces are spiritual in nature, and are mostly able to influence mankind through psychic means.  This can range from dreams or visions, to outright demonic possession.


Now, when painting with a broad brush, and incorporating EVERY mystery school, occult tradition, spiritual system, pagan religion, etc… you can start to generalize quickly.  But it’s not hard to see how this can apply to most, if not every belief system known to man.


The other idea put forward in “Dark Gods”, is that most of the “new age” belief systems presented by modern mystics are in fact the very front lines of these dark forces battling for your soul.  Madame Blavatsky is mentioned as one commonly cited source who was in fact channeling the dark gods.  As it’s explained in the book, these dark forces are mostly trying to muddy the waters and confuse humanity on a spiritual level, in order to prime humanity for a total spiritual take-over.  Once that occurs (and hopefully it won’t), humanity will essentially “flip” to the evil side, and start committing atrocities en-masse.  So much so, that we will actually discover new ways to sin, murder, rape, and do all of that terrible stuff.  Where have we heard all of that before?


Thank you to Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy from Mysterious Universe.  You can check out the Mysterious Universe podcast mentioned (Season 21 Episode 13) at
