Ten Reasons Why The Patterson-Gimlin Footage Is Probably Real

Ten Reasons Why The Patterson-Gimlin Footage Is Probably Real


  1. The creature in the film appears to be covered in hair, similar to descriptions of Sasquatch or the Yeti.
  2. The creature’s gait and body movements are consistent with those of a large, bipedal animal.
  3. The creature’s size and proportions are consistent with those of a large, unknown primate.
  4. The filmmakers, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin, claimed that the footage was genuine and were willing to take polygraph tests to prove it.
  5. The film was shot on high-quality 16mm film, which would have been difficult to doctor or manipulate at the time.
  6. The creature’s movement and behavior in the film are consistent with those of a wild animal.
  7. The film has been analyzed by multiple experts in film and video analysis, some of whom have concluded that the creature is real.
  8. The creature’s body shape and muscle movement is not consistent with a person in a costume.
  9. The location where the film was shot was remote and known for its wilderness, making it a likely habitat for an unknown creature.
  10. There have been multiple sightings of a similar creature in the area where the film was shot before and after the filming, which lends credibility to the authenticity of the footage.

It’s worth noting that the footage has never been definitively proven to be fake, and skeptics who believe that it is a person in a costume have never been able to produce an actual costume.