
Necronomicon: The Illustrated Journal
Excerpt from “Necronomicon: The Illustrated Journal” Newly published by the University of Meta Studies press just in time for Halloween…

University of Meta Studies wins Best of 2020 honor
Music Production and Home Recording Logbook and Track Notes made it to the Best New Music Production Books I’m happy

Trump Coloring Book
Hot from the UMS Press, comes “The Keep America Great Coloring Book”, a respectful and humorous look into the first

Crystal Cats Coloring Book
Enter the exciting world of Crystal Cats! 31 all new, original illustrations depicting a magical colony of cats and their

Movie Review: Rawhead Rex
Movie Review: Rawhead Rex “Rawhead Rex” is a 1987 horror/fantasy film from director George Pavlou, starring David Dukes, Kelly Piper,

Tekken: Bloodline – Mini Review
Tekken: Bloodline – Mini Review Is this concurrent with Tekken 2 or 3? It seems like 2, which is my

Sicario Film Theory: Is Alejandro the Devil?
“Sicario” Film Theory: Is Alejandro the Devil? Alejandro Gillick is the devil. When Alejandro calls Manual Diaz “Fausto” during the

Feast (2005) Movie Review
Feast (2005) Movie Review Feast, 2005, Dir. John Gulager I remember seeing this for the first time on DVD at

From Beyond (1986) Movie Review
From Beyond (1986) Movie Review From Beyond, 1986 Shudder, Widescreen Let’s be honest… I don’t have an objective

The Beast Of Bray Road (2005) Movie Review
The Beast Of Bray Road (2005) Movie Review The Beast of Bray Road, 2005 Tubi, Widescreen This has
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AAA Movie Reviews: Werewolves (2024)
AAA Movie Reviews: Werewolves (2024) I can only imagine how this movie was pitched. It probably went something like this: