Seven Ways To Increase Your Testosterone

Seven Ways To Increase Your Testosterone

1. Do steroids.

Let’s get it out of the way.  The shit works.  And the most effective, best “all around” steroid of them all is… Testosterone.  Obviously, if you want to raise your T levels, then this would be the most direct way to do that. 

2.  Shine a red light on your balls.

So crazy, it just might work.  The idea here is that you can shine a red light for about 4 hours a day, and this will increase your Testosterone levels.  Apparently, it even works with your pants on.  Researchers such as Ben Greenfield have gone on record and said that this actually works.  He’s not the only guy who’s tried it, and the science behind it seems compelling.  The main drawback is, not only is it time consuming, but you will definitely look retarded doing this. 

3. Lift Heavy.

Do you even lift?  Even if you do lift, you may have hit a plateau and stopped making gains.  If any of this rings true… there’s your problem.  Slap on a few extra plates and get to work.  This (with the possible exception of the juice) is probably the “best” way to achieve elevated T levels.  Your body will respond to the shock and tissue damage by releasing more hormones into your body.  

4. Avoid environmental estrogen

Certain plastic contains BPA (bisphenol A) which is a synthetic estrogen.  It is mild, but who knows what effect repeated exposure can have.  Likewise, there are other “estrogen like” and estrogen precursor compounds found in things as common as soy milk.  Parabens, which are common in products like shampoos, toothpaste, shaving gels, tanning lotions, etc., are also suspected of having estrogen-like effects in the body. 

5.  Supplement with Zinc.

Zinc works.  Studies show it can slow or even stop your body from converting testosterone into estrogen.  I didn’t even know that your body does that, but apparently it does. 

6.  Supplement with Creatine Monohydrate

Take this too.  Studies show that five grams a day of creatine can lower cortisol levels, and boost testosterone in men. 

7. Chill your nuts.

Logically, when your balls get too hot, they stop working as well.  This causes your sperm count and your testosterone level to decrease.  If it’s a hot summer, find the time and space to air that sack out.  Maybe hit it with some red light at the same time for a double dose of T-building treatment.